Expired News - Alberta scraps plan to end Daylight Saving Time - The Weather Network
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Alberta scraps plan to end Daylight Saving Time

Digital writers

Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 2:25 PM - For those Albertans who dread the twice-yearly changing of the clocks, it seems their time hasn't come after all.

The Alberta Standard Time Act, introduced earlier this year, would have ended the practice of Daylight Saving Time in that province, putting it in sync year round with neighbouring Saskatchewan, which does not observe DST.

However, the bill introducing the act, Bill 203, didn't make it through the legislature, failing by 46 votes to six in favour earlier this week, putting paid to the latest attempt to end the practice.

CTV reports the committee studying the issue received more than 13,000 submissions, at least two-thirds of which were in favour of getting rid of DST. However, it was opposed by both of the province's NHL teams, which said it would mean games would start too late for many fans to watch, and Westjet, which CTV says complained would lead to some flight scheduling changes that would hurt travel.

Daylight Saving Time is increasingly maligned by the public, with researchers saying it comes with the host of health problems, as well as economic effects.

With the bill's failure, the residents of the town of Lloydminster, bisected by the Saskatchewan and Alberta border, will have to keep on managing as best they can. The town as a whole remains on Saskatchewan time year round, but it observes Daylight Saving Time.

WATCH BELOW: Four reasons you SHOULDN'T adjust your bed time for Daylight Saving Time


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