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Artist turns mountain into a giant painting

Olaf Breuning; Snow Drawing, 2014© Stefan Altenburger

Olaf Breuning; Snow Drawing, 2014© Stefan Altenburger

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, February 7, 2014, 2:19 PM -

Artist Olaf Breuning recently turned a mountain in Gstaad, Switzerland into a colourful abstract painting.

The performance piece -- called "Snow Drawing" -- is part of an ongoing art collective called Elevation1049.

The project is comprised of Swiss artists that create pieces using "elevation" as a theme.

For this particular piece, mounds of snow tainted with food colouring were carted around the mountain on mini sleds.

The end result is a vibrant piece comprised of haphazard shapes.

RELATED: Artist creates intricate snow art

"Chance plays a key role in Olaf Breuning’s color experiments with pigment and smoke," it says on Breuning's website

"Riffing on the way that skiers’ first tracks draw on the mountain scenery, for Elevation1049 he transforms a vast area of snow into a giant canvas. Here man and nature conspire to create drawings that exist in a state of permanent evolution - illustration perhaps that change is truly the only constant."

Thumbnail image credit: Olaf Breuning, Snow Drawing, 2014, Installation view 'Elevation 1049', Gstaad, Switzerland, Courtesy of the Artist. Photo credit: Stefan Altenburger

Courtesy: Facebook.

Courtesy: Facebook.

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