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Astronaut snaps an 'out of this world' selfie

Andrea Bagley
Digital Reporter

Thursday, April 24, 2014, 8:16 AM -

Have you seen this selfie yet?

It's out of this world...literally!

SEE ALSO: Celebrate Earth Day with a selfie!

Astronaut Rick Mastrachhio is at the International Space Station and posted this amazing shot of himself with the Earth and its horizon in the background on Twitter Wednesday.

He was on a spacewalk at the ISS at the time he snapped the picture.

"NASA Astronauts Steve Swanson and Rick Mastracchio have completed a short spacewalk to replace a failed Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) back up computer," NASA said Wednesday. "They began the re-pressurization of the Quest airlock at 11:32 a.m. EDT signifying the excursion’s end time."

The backup computer failed April 11 after a routine health check by the Mission Control team in Houston.

According to Mastracchio, the spacesuit he's wearing makes it hard to take selfies in space.

"The space suit makes it very difficult to get a good selfie. I tried several today," Mastrachhio said.

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