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Beaver kills fisherman in Belarus

A 60 year-old fisherman was recently attacked and killed by a beaver in Belarus

A 60 year-old fisherman was recently attacked and killed by a beaver in Belarus

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Thursday, May 30, 2013, 5:42 AM -

    The beaver population is said to be booming in Belarus -- leading to a series of attacks on humans.

    One of the most serious cases occurred recently, when a 60 year-old fisherman attempted to photograph a beaver at Lake Shestakovskoye.

    Witnesses say the large rodent bit the man on the leg, severing an artery that caused him to bleed to death.

    It's the first reported case of a human dying from a beaver attack in Belarus.

    Local authorities say the beavers are becoming increasingly aggressive and are starting to wander near homes, businesses and schools. Hunting restrictions have helped Belarus' beaver population grow to about 80,000, three times what it was a decade ago.

    Wildlife expert Viktor Kozlovsky told the Associated Press that the rodents are also causing significant damage to local forests and farms.

    With files from the Associated Press

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