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One Canadian company is grinding away to create innovative single-serve coffee pods. Find out how:

Canadian company makes environmentally friendly K-cups

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    Daksha Rangan
    Digital Reporter

    Monday, July 6, 2015, 9:43 AM - One Canadian company is grinding away to create innovative single-serve coffee pods.

    G-KUP, a Vancouver-based venture founded by entrepreneur Darren Footz, is a modern, environmentally-conscious reinvention of Keurig's traditional K-cups, which are known for their plastic, non-recyclable composition.

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    "Simply put, I want to change the way the world consumes single serve coffee. The current waste created by K-Cups is unacceptable,"says Footz, Yahoo News Digest reports.

    In 2013, Keurig k-cups were so widely used that there were enough disposed k-cups to circle the world 1more than 10 times.

    G-KUP is funded by the University of British Columbia's Composites Research Network's federal grant money. Its pods are made from sustainable materials, including bamboo and sugar cane.

    Its biodegradable polymer lining is its most noteworthy difference from the Keurig K-Cup.

    Thumbnail image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

    SOURCES: The Atlantic | Yahoo News Digest

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