Expired News - Cold makes a comeback in the Prairies - The Weather Network
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The above seasonal temperature days have come to an end as frigid air returns

Cold makes a comeback in the Prairies

Thursday, December 25, 2014, 3:10 PM - It was a warmer Christmas in the country than most would have expected, but if you're a fan of the cold than don't worry. It's coming back with a vengeance.

High pressure coming down from the Arctic is going to bring cold air and lots of its to the Prairies.

The cool-down has already begun for Alberta while Manitoba and Saskatchewan will start feeling a little colder on Boxing Day.

Initially the temperatures will only hover down to about seasonal but expect them to keep on dropping throughout next week. The Prairies will be seeing temperatures lower than -15.

In fact some parts of the Prairies could have extreme cold warnings issued once wind chill is taken into account. For Alberta, southern Saskatchewan and southern Manitoba that means that it has to feel like at least -40 for two hours or more. For the rest of the Prairies, that means -45 for two hours.

Precipitation-wise, this system won't be much of a story, with a couple of centimetres possible this upcoming weekend but it will mostly be the cold grabbing headlines.

MUST-SEE: What exactly is wind chill? Find out below!

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