Expired News - Cute Countdown: Rare white tiger cubs and more! - The Weather Network
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This week's cute countdown celebrates mother's of all species across the world.

Cute Countdown: Rare white tiger cubs and more!

Scott Meiklejohn
Staff Writer

Sunday, May 11, 2014, 6:25 PM -

This week's cute countdown celebrates mothers of all species across the world. 

Be sure to look out for a future Weather Network presenter who shares her new catch phrase on camera for the first time! 

Below is a selection of the best cute shots from our own viewers, uploaded to our website. 

If you've got a cute video or picture, why not sign in and send it to us? Your photo skills might make it into our website or on the air! 

For more adorable animal videos, be sure to check out our Animal Video Gallery.

Follow Scott on Twitter @ScottyTWN

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