Expired News - Cute Countdown: Two-legged dog at the beach will make your heart smile - The Weather Network
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This week's Cute Countdown has everything it takes to warm your heart up on a cold spring day.

Cute Countdown: Two-legged dog at the beach will make your heart smile

Scott Meiklejohn
Staff Writer

Sunday, March 30, 2014, 8:13 PM -

This week's Cute Countdown has everything it takes to warm your heart up on a cold spring day. 

Be sure to look out for Duncan Lou Who, the two-legged boxer pup who refuses to slow down! 

The boxer puppy's rear legs and pelvis were severely deformed at birth. By the time he was eight-weeks-old, they were deemed beyond the help of corrective surgery. 

Though Duncan has multiple custom wheelchairs, the spunky four-month-old hasn't felt much of a need to rely on them, according to an update on Panda Paw's Rescue

Below is a selection of the best cute shots from our own viewers, uploaded to our website.

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