Expired News - Death toll in Everest avalanche rises - The Weather Network
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The search continues for victims who are still missing after the incident.

Death toll in Everest avalanche rises

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Saturday, April 19, 2014, 1:05 PM -

The death toll in Friday's avalanche at Mount Everest has risen to 13, with another body recovered Saturday.

There are still three people missing in the disaster, which is the deadliest-ever to strike Everest.

It's also the worst to occur since 1996, when a blizzard descended on the area, resulting in the deaths of eight people.

The dead are all sherpas, the famed guides whose knowledge and expertise allowed many a climber to ascend to the summit of the world's highest mountain.

They were preparing the route for the grups of climbers gathering at base camp, ahead of the the climbing season next month.

The Weather Network spoke to Canadian climber Sandra Leduc on Friday. Listen below as she describes the devastating impact the deaths have had on the climbing community.

HEAR MORE: Click here for Leduc's inside look on what it's like to climb the world's tallest mountain.

Four survivors of the disaster were taken to hospital in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu.

More than 4,000 climbers have scaled Everest since 1953, but hundreds more have died in the attempt.

With files from the Associated Press.

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