Expired News - Death toll rises after Mumbai building collapse - The Weather Network
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Death toll rises after Mumbai building collapse

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    Digital writers

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 8:01 AM -

    A four-story building in central Mumbai collapsed following heavy monsoon rains on Monday, and several people are feared to be trapped inside, Indian media reported.

    The death toll has risen to four, with rescuers still searching for people under the rubble. 

    A police inspector said they are unsure about how many people could be trapped in the remains of the building. 

    Rescue operations continued through the night on Monday, but they were hampered by more heavy rain.

    Officials say the monsoon season continues until September. 

    Just last week, a vacant building was being torn down in downtown Philadelphia when a four-story wall collapsed onto an adjacent Salvation Army thrift store. The incident left six people dead and 13 others injured.

    Last month, the nine-story Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,130 people and injuring more than 2,400.

    With files from CNN

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