Expired News - Designer of Kickstarter star "coolest cooler" shares his secret to success - The Weather Network
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It may look like a regular cooler, but it's actually covered with gadgets like a blender and a cell phone charger.

Designer of Kickstarter star "coolest cooler" shares his secret to success

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    Dalia Ibrahim
    Digital Reporter

    Sunday, August 10, 2014, 7:50 PM -

    The "coolest cooler" is a hit on Kickstarter crowd-funding website

    It looks like a regular cooler, but it's covered with gadgets like a blender and a cell phone charger. 

    Designer Ryan Grepper initially missed his funding goal of $125,000, so he went back to the drawing board, and redesigned the product. 

    Just over a month later, the new "coolest cooler" got more than $8M in pledges and some 41,000 backers. 

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    With just over two weeks to go, Grepper's project has become the third most-funded campaign on Kickstarter ever. It could hit the top spot if pledges continue to pile in. 

    Grepper suggests making sure your design is visually compelling and develop a following. Other experts suggest making a video for your Kickstarter page, and keep it simple, don't re-invent the wheel.

    With files from CNN

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