Expired News - Devastating Scottish storm leaves castle teetering on edge - The Weather Network
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Severe flooding from Storm Frank continues to batter parts of Scotland, leaving a historic building on the brink of disaster.

Devastating Scottish storm leaves castle teetering on edge

Andrea Bagley
Digital Reporter

Monday, January 4, 2016, 12:26 PM - Severe flooding from Storm Frank continues to batter parts of Scotland, leaving a historic building on the brink of disaster.

Abergeldie Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was left teetering on the edge of the River Dee after heavy rain and flood waters eroded the river’s banks at the end of December.

The drone footage captured in the video above shows the building, estimated to be more than 450 years old, barely hanging on. 

The eight-minute footage is worth watching:

Baron Abergeldie, 76 year old John Gordon and his wife, reportedly left their 16th century tower house when the river was at its height and burst its banks.

According to officials, the tower remains under threat as heavy rain continues to hit the region. It is only a few kilometres from the more famous Balmoral Castle, a major residence of the British royal family in Scotland.

Meteorologists say Storm Frank has caused some of the worst flooding in decades and a very unsettled weather pattern is expected to continue into the first half of January.

Aside from the flooding and power outages triggered by the devastating storm, at least two people have been killed: A 36-year-old man who fell from a canoe into raging waters, and a man in his 50s who lost control of his kayak.

SOURCES: The Guardian | The Guardian

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