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Digging through the archives: Spooky weather photos

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    Friday, September 13, 2013, 5:25 PM -

    It's Friday the 13th, and to mark the day, we've put together a list of some of the spookiest photos in our archives.

    If you have a spooky weather photo you'd like to share, upload it to our website -- we'd love to see it!

    Intense shelf cloud

    These incredible shelf clouds were seen in the Regina area by Mark Duffy, in June 2013.

    Mother Nature's fireworks

    An intense lightning strike in Vancouver, British Columbia, captured by Michael Séan.

    Misty morning

    It was a misty morning on Ramsey Lake in Sudbury when Indrek A captured this spooky photo.

    Fire in the sky

    This incredible sunset appeared after a storm in Seaforth, Ontario. Courtesy: Maranda Coulas.

    We are not alone

    The Milky Way and Saskatchewan's Insinger Church are prominently featured in this stunning image by Jeff Wizniak.

    Super moon in the clouds

    When the super moon made an appearance in June, we received tons of photos -- but this submission by Cyndie M. from Niagara Falls, Ontario is arguably one of the spookiest.

    Morning mist

    Steffen Riemersma caught this mist rising off the water in Musquodoboit Harbour, Nova Scotia.

    After the rain

    Water droplets cling to a spider web after a storm in Brockville, Ontario. Courtesy: Sheila Boardman.

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