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Dog barks in protest as fox plays with the toy she left outside

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 4:34 PM -

    Oh, the humanity.

    Lupe, a chihuahua-dachshund mix, was recently forced to stand by helplessly when a fox discovered a toy she had left outside.

    The dog barked in protest, but the fox couldn't have cared less.

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    We have to tip our hat to Lupe for (attempting to) stand up to wild animal. After all, some dogs -- like our good friend Leonardo -- are scared of everything.

    The video was shot in Yukon, where fox sightings aren't uncommon.

    Lupe's YouTube video is blowing up online, receiving more than 200,000 views since it was uploaded earlier this week.

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