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Dutch man cleans up river bank on daily morning commute

Courtesy: Project Schone Schie

Courtesy: Project Schone Schie

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, April 24, 2015, 7:29 AM - A little bit of effort can make a huge difference. Tommy Kleyn, a Netherlands-based artist, grew tired of seeing trash along a river bank he passed every day on his way to work -- so he decided to do something about it.

"Everyday, I ride my bicycle to work along the river bank .... It's a nice route to ride, except for one part," Kleyn writes on his Imgur page.

"A stretch of the river bank is covered in plastic bottles and other pieces of (mainly) plastic trash."

Kleyn decided to spend 30 minutes a day filling up one garbage bag full of trash and depositing it in a nearby bin.

It took awhile -- but his hard work eventually paid off.

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Kleyn says he enjoyed working outside and doing something good for the environment.

He's shared his experience on Facebook, where it has received hundreds of shares.

"And the real reward for me was this: A Eurasian Coot started nesting in the part which I cleaned," he says on Facebook.

Courtesy: Tommy Kleyn/Facebook

Kleyn hopes his work will inspire people to spend 30 minutes a day cleaning up trash in their own neighbourhoods. 

He's inviting people to share their before and after pictures on his Facebook page.

The news comes as countries around the world celebrate Earth Week.

Sources: Imgur | Facebook


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