Expired News - Five photos: Hot dogs - The Weather Network
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If you think the weather is warm, try going outside with a fur coat on! Today, we're featuring five hot dogs who are beating the heat.

Five photos: Hot dogs

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Thursday, June 12, 2014, 1:22 PM -

    Today in five photos, we're featuring some of hot dogs trying to stay cool!

    RELATED: Have a photo or video you'd like to share? Upload it to our website!

    1. A Newfoundland dog in Ontario, submitted by Nicole Watson, Kingston, Ontario

    2. Lake swim, submitted by Polly Braconnier, Maple Ridge, B.C.

    3. Fetch! Submitted by Colleen George, Canning, Nova Scotia

    4. Pug parade, submitted by Thomas Walker, Vancouver, B.C.

    5. Sun protection is a must! Submitted by Tara Little-Pettifor, Calahoo, Alberta

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