Expired News - Four things to know about Sunday, August 10 - The Weather Network
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Want to know what to expect today? Here's your weather briefing for Sunday, August 10

Four things to know about Sunday, August 10

Sunday, August 10, 2014, 6:50 AM - Wondering what happened across the country overnight or what you can expect for the upcoming week?

Don't worry. We have you covered. Here's your weather briefing for Sunday, August 10

1.Another rainy day in Atlantic Canada

Scattered showers and thunderstorms continue throughout Newfoundland and Eastern Nova Scotia today. Things will improve only slightly tomorrow.

"Scattered showers are still expected for the same places on Monday, but no thunderstorms," said Matt Grinter, meteorologist at The Weather Network."

Rain will move out of the Maritimes Monday night but things will still be a little unsettled for Eastern Newfoundland through the first half of the week.

2. A little bit of sun and plenty of rain in Ontario

Hot and humid conditions will stick around for most of Ontario today and Monday. Monday evening, however, is a different story.

"A low pressure system moves in late Monday will bring thunderstorms and showers from Monday night to Thursday," Grinter said.

EXTENDED ACTIVE WEATHER COVERAGE: Tune in to The Weather Network for live updates on the summer storms in your area. Our team of reporters and meteorologists in the field provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date coverage.

Northwestern Ontario is seeing thunderstorms with the risk of isolated severe storms with the main threat being heavy rainfall and wind.

3. Things settle down in the prairies

It's definitely been an active past few days in the Prairies but things will finally start to calm down. A high pressure system is dominating the area bringing mild temperatres into the western prairies and cool temperatures to the eastern prairies.

It's gonna be a dry and warm start to the week, before unsettled conditions move in mid-week

4. Rain could make a return to BC

It's been mostly warm and dry conditions along the British Columbia south coast and interior lately. But that could change. The next chance for isolated precipitation moves in late Tuesday with a 40 per cent chance probability of precipitation.

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