Expired News - Four things you need to know about Monday - The Weather Network
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Wondering what you missed overnight or what you can expect for the day ahead? Here's your weather briefing for Monday, June 16.

Four things you need to know about Monday

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    Andrea Bagley
    Digital Reporter

    Monday, June 16, 2014, 6:37 AM - Wondering what you missed overnight or what you can expect for the day ahead? 

    Here's your weather briefing for Monday, June 16. 

    1. Perfect ingredients for thunderstorms in southern Ontario

    The same cold front attached to the system that's been bringing heavy, flooding rains to much of northern Ontario will continue to sink south through the day on Monday.

    That cold front will help to spark some pop-up showers and non-severe thunderstorms through the morning and afternoon hours.

    Ahead of this cold front, much of southern Ontario will see humidex values in the low to mid-30's. That heat and humidity will hang on for much of this week.

    2. Rainfall warning in southern Alberta

    It will be a soggy start to the work week across much of southern Alberta Monday.

    "A low pressure system moving into the northern United States will bring significant rainfall to southern Alberta," says Environment Canada in a rainfall warning issued early Monday.

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    "The heaviest rain will begin this afternoon with total amounts of 50 to 80 millimetres expected before rainfall tapers off Wednesday morning."

    There's a risk for widespread thunderstorms as well, which could bump up some local rainfall amounts.

    3. Temperatures warm in Manitoba

    Cool and below seasonal temperatures were recorded across parts of the southern Prairies on Sunday, including in the city of Winnipeg, where a daytime high of only 14.2°C was recorded.

    Temperatures are expected to gradually climb into the low 20s on Monday, feeling closer to 25 with the humidex.

    Quick look-back at winter

    A new report reveals this past punishing winter cost the city of Winnipeg plenty.

    According to the report, the snow-clearing budget for 2014 was completely used during the first three months of the year.

    And the frozen pipe crisis? That cost the city $3.5 million so far.

    FLICKR- Barbara Carroll

    FLICKR- Barbara Carroll

    4. Rain finally clears in the Maritimes

    Rain is finally starting to clear across parts of the Maritimes after between 20-60 mm fell through the weekend.

    Temperatures however, will remain cool making things feel a little more like fall Monday morning.

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