Expired News - Giant spider clings to branch amid Australian floods - The Weather Network
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Giant spider clings to branch amid Australian floods

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Monday, March 12, 2018, 1:59 PM - Queensland, Australia has experienced record rainfall over the past few days, with many places seeing up to 200 mm of rain, and in some isolated places, upwards of 400 mm.

The rain has led to massive flooding with several towns. Hundreds of homes were damaged after Herbert River broke its banks.

Most people in the region have been impacted in one way or another -- as well as the wildlife, as evidenced by a now-viral video.

On Saturday, Andrea Gofton posted a video of a giant spider clinging to a branch amid raging floodwaters in the town of Halifax, north Queensland.

"My excitement for the day ... saved a spider," Gofton says in the video's caption.

Locals were able to rescue the spider and place it on a nearby avocado tree.

Since the video was filmed on March 11, it has been viewed more than 75,000 times.

Queensland state premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told reporters it would take several weeks to determine the extent of the flood damage.

State government has declared the area a "disaster" zone.

VIDEO: Floods cover roads in Queensland:

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