Expired News - Greek Ferry evacuated, but seven fatalities reported - The Weather Network
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The passengers are all evacuated, but many are injured after the ordeal, which took place in strong winds and rough seas.

Greek Ferry evacuated, but seven fatalities reported

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Monday, December 29, 2014, 10:54 AM - The car ferry that caught fire in the Adriatic between Italy and Greece has been evacuated, but seven people have been reported killed.

Italian premier Matteo Renzi said Monday that only the captain and a handful of sailors remained on board to help with the recovery operation.

More than 400 people have been taken to safety, but it was too late for seven people who lost their lives in the disaster, which began with a fire on the car deck.

One person died after becoming trapped in a lifeboat chute. Four other bodies were found in the water, and the location of the other two fatalities is not known at this time.

The fire broke out before dawn on Sunday as the ship was en route to port in Italy.

Strong winds whipped up very choppy seas that delayed rescuers from approaching and made operations difficult once they were nearby.

Helicopters rescued passengers from the deck in winds up to 75 km/h, and passengers who were taken to nearby rescue ships had a rough ride back to land.

The first group of 49 rescuees reached the Italian town of Bari early Monday, with several passengers treated for injuries ranging from burns to carbon monoxide poisoning. Many suffered from hypothermia as they huddled on deck through the night.

The Italian Navy says two tugs were able to stabilize the boat, although it's not yet clear where it will be towed.

With files from the Associated Press.

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