Expired News - 'Patricia' triggers flooding, train derailment in Texas - The Weather Network
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Torrential downpours – the remnants of former-Hurricane Patricia – swept through parts of Texas Saturday resulting in flash floods, evacuations, and a freight train’s derailment near Cosicana.

'Patricia' triggers flooding, train derailment in Texas

Sunday, October 25, 2015, 8:47 AM - Torrential downpours – the remnants of former-Hurricane Patricia – swept through parts of Texas Saturday and Sunday resulting in flash floods, evacuations, and a freight train’s derailment near Cosicana.

Nearly 500 millimeters of rain hit places in Texas leading to widespread flooding.

DON'T MISS: Texas flash floods -- here's what you need to know.

The heavy rain continued for the fourth day in a row on Sunday, with additional rain coming into the state after Patricia weakened to a tropical depression. The precipitation was expected to continue until noon, local time, with parts of the state receiving up to an additional 5 to 20 cm.

According to reports, a man in San Antonio was swept into the drainage system after trying to rescue a dog but authorities were unable to find anything when they headed down to search.

A Union Pacific freight train was also affected by the rain. The partially-submerged train was swept off the rails by floodwaters, south of Dallas.

Patricia made landfall in Mexico Friday evening after being declared the strongest tropical cyclone ever recorded in the eastern north Pacific and Atlantic basins.

Reports from fight tracker filghtaware.com indicate that approximately 100 flights were cancelled Friday at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

SOURCES: The Weather Network | Reuters | CBS News | USA Today

MUST SEE: Winds howl as Patricia is seen from a window

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