Expired News - How to escort an owl out of your house using only a Swiffer - The Weather Network
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Watch as this homeowner escorts an owl out of his home using only a Swiffer. What a hoot!

How to escort an owl out of your house using only a Swiffer

Digital writers

Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 8:28 AM - What a hoot!

We've seen plenty of videos recently of humans and wildlife in the wrong place at the wrong time, but you've probably never seen one quite like this.

Colton Wright says his cat dragged an owl, yes a live owl, into his house.

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It soon ended up stuck in the window and was then flying around the living room.

"After 40 minutes of hysterics, it did neither of us good," said Wright in his YouTube post. "We finally compromised and I was able to get him (or her) out using a Swiffer. The Owl Whisperer - Swifferer? "

After calming his nerves a bit, Wright showed off his professional raptor-handling skills and coaxed Mr. Owl onto a floor sweeper.

As you can see in the video, the bird gave him a bit of a death stare as Wright gently moved it out an open window.

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