Expired News - Hundreds of decades-old Atari 'E.T.' and other game cartridges unearthed in a New Mexico landfill - The Weather Network
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Hundreds of decades-old Atari 'E.T.' and other game cartridges unearthed in a New Mexico landfill

Digital writers

Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:34 PM -

A documentary film production company has found buried in a New Mexico landfill hundreds of the Atari "E.T.'' game cartridges that some call the worst video game ever made

Film director Zak Penn showed one "E.T.'' cartridge retrieved from the dump site and says there are hundreds more mixed in the mounds of trash and dirt scooped by a backhoe. 

Fuel Entertainment is producing a documentary about the search.

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The video game's commercial failure was partially responsible for the demise of Atari in the early 1980s.

The contents of the "Atari Grave'' have become urban legend, with blog posts speculating about millions of cartridges and other Atari projects buried there. A spokeswoman for Atari says the company changed hands many times since 1983 and does not know what is buried there. 

Files from The Associated Press

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