Expired News - In Photos: The giant Canada 150 rubber duck - The Weather Network
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In Photos: The giant Canada 150 rubber duck

Digital writers

Saturday, July 1, 2017, 1:37 PM - As far as public spectacles go, it's not the most common one for Canadians.

After making a splash in other countries over the past year, the massive rubber duck has finally made it to Canadian waters, being inflated off the coast of Toronto on Friday ahead of Canada Day.

There's been some debate over the six-storey work of art, with some questioning what connection it has to Canada or Ontario, and others wondering whether the $120,000 of provincial funds that went toward renting it (according to the Toronto Star) are a good use of public funds.

Others on Twitter didn't seem to worry too much about it, taking a few shots of the giant duck as it floated on Lake Ontario. Below are some of the best shots.

SOURCE: Toronto Star

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