Expired News - Jesus on a rusty air conditioner! (No, really) - The Weather Network
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Christopher Goldsberry says he's found the face of Jesus on a rusty a/c unit. What do you think?

Jesus on a rusty air conditioner! (No, really)

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Friday, May 30, 2014, 6:52 PM -

    In the midst of a Mississippi summer, air conditioner must feel like a gift from God.

    But what if your a/c was bestowed with the actual image of God?

    Christopher Goldsberry says he spotted the face of Jesus on a rusty old a/c in a junk dealer's yard, and he purchased it for ten dollars.

    RELATED: Wait, Jesus is on toast now?

    He says he was "struck" by the likeness.

    If you're seeing what he's seeing, you have no need to worry.

    In fact, seeing the face of Jesus is a good sign that your brain is healthy.

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