Expired News - Lava inches toward large Hawaiian town - The Weather Network
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The flow began back in June but could prompt mandatory evacuation orders in the next few days.

Lava inches toward large Hawaiian town

Sunday, October 26, 2014, 8:33 AM - Hawaiian authorities have begun warning residents to prepare for a possible evacuation as active lava continues to ooze toward their homes.

The lava flow is about 32 metres wide, 1093 degrees hot and travelling at a speed of roughly 9 m/h.

It has a crossed a road at the edge of Pahoa, the largest town on the Big Island of Hawaii. The exact time when it will start reaching the homes is unclear as the flow has been moving at erratic speeds.

If the flow picks up speed or encounters hazardous materials—such as a pile of tires or a stockpile of chemicals—officials are ready to issue a mandatory evacuation.

The lava originated from the Kilauea volcano which has been erupting continuously since 1983. While it usually travels south in the last couple of years it changed to a northeast trajectory toward Pahoa.

The current flow has been moving since June, giving officials ample time to prepare alternate routes toward the town in case the main road and highway become covered.

On Friday, Governor Abercrombie asked the President to release disaster funds to assist local emergency crews.

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