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Man takes cat rock climbing and the photos go viral

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Saturday, June 20, 2015, 6:27 AM - Millie the cat and her dad Craig Armstrong. Like to explore canyons and deserts in Utah. Armstrong has been photographing their adventures, and the images have gone viral on Instagram.

Millie was born March 28, 2013 and, according to Armstrong, she's a natural climber.

He knew she was the cat for him when she immediately climbed on his shoulders at the animal shelter.

Armstorng took her home that day, at eight weeks old.

Millie's first trip, Joe's Valley. Crag kitty roots.

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

Summit of 1,000' of Fun nearly half a year ago. Next up, big granite for little kitty.

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

Before heading out into the wilderness, Millie had to be trained. 

"When Millie was a tiny kitten I did 3 things regularly," Armstrong writes on his website. "One: I would take her on drives. Nowhere in particular, just anywhere I was going, I'd throw Millie in the truck Two: I would call her to climb up my pantleg [sic] and onto my shoulders and give her a treat for doing so. Three: I would take her to a tiny island to let her begin getting used to being outside safely."

Committing to the gap.

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

No music just hard work.

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

Millie has  excelled at her sport, but she never got a handle on the car rides.

"Millie meows almost the entire way to almost every destination. It's bizarre," Armstrong writes.

"Twenty minutes or four hours, she wanders around the truck meowing. Then she has fun wherever we go and sleeps the entire drive home ... I'm actually going to test new methods this year to see if I can find a less stressful transport to destinations for her."

Bhandas engaged.

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

Photos of Millie and her dad have gone viral, racking up more than 26,000 followers on Instagram.

Perfect moments in the middle of nowhere.

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

Armstrong says one of Millie's strengths is her balance.

"She's a techniquey [sic] climber with powerful bursts," he writes.

Seven years in Utah, still finding amazing new places. Can't wait to return..

A photo posted by Craig Armstrong (@pechanga) on

You can see more photos of Millie in action on Instagram.

Sources: Instagram | ClimbKitty.com


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