Expired News - Massive explosion after oil train derails in West Virginia - The Weather Network
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A train carrying more than 100 tankers' worth of crude oil derailed in West Virginia Monday, causing a massive explosion and forcing widespread evacuations.

Massive explosion after oil train derails in West Virginia

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 3:33 PM - A train carrying more than 100 tankers' worth of crude oil remains on fire and leaking after it derailed in West Virginia Monday, causing a massive explosion and forcing widespread evacuations.

A state of emergency has been declared for the area of the state where the derailment, which happened during a snowstorm, occurred.

At least 14 of the train's 109 cars were derailed, with one landing in a nearby river. A second explosion was witnessed hours later.

No deaths have been reported, although one person was reported to have suffered breathing problems, and at least one home was burned down.

Mashable reports more than 2,400 people have been evacuated. 

Officials are monitoring water intake in the area, and asking people nearby to conserve water. The LA Times reports a water treatment plant in nearby Montgomery has been temporarily shut down, and the company that operates it said on its Facebook page that around 2,000 customers were affected.

The company that owns the tankers, CSX, is assisting with the clean up, and says fires around some of the cars will be a allowed to burn themselves out.

The train was carrying crude oil from North Dakota to Yorktown, Virginia.

Sources: LA Times, Mashable.

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