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Meet the blobfish: The world's ugliest animal

The blob fish, in all its blobby glory.

The blob fish, in all its blobby glory.

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Thursday, September 12, 2013, 5:50 PM -

    The Ugly Animal Preservation Society  (UAPS) was in need of a mascot, so it went online to find one.

    Twelve scientists and comedians created YouTube videos to champion their ugly animal of choice -- but after careful deliberation, and thousands of votes from the public, the blobfish reigned supreme.

    "The Blobfish is so ugly that is actually cute, I want one!" One YouTube user said. "He is the ugliest of them all! What a wonder!" said another.

    "We've needed an ugly face for endangered animals for a long time and I've been amazed by the public's reaction," Simon Watt of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society was quoted saying by theweek.com. "For too long the cute and fluffy animals have taken the limelight but now the blobfish will be a voice for the mingers who always get forgotten."

    UAPS is a British organization that is "dedicated to raising the profile of some of Mother Nature’s more aesthetically challenged children," because, according to the organization, "the panda gets too much attention."

    The blobfish lives at depths of 800 metres in Australia and Tasmania.

    It's not edible, but is often dragged to the surface by fishermen's nets. As a result, the fish has landed on the endangered species list.

    [photo credit]

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