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It isn't uncommon to see fog along California's northern coast, but researchers say the low-laying clouds may be bringing more than mist ashore.

Dangerous element detected in famous Californian fog

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 3:13 PM - It isn't uncommon to see fog along California's northern coast, but researchers say the low-laying clouds may be bringing more than mist ashore.

Earlier this month, researchers gathered at the American Geophysical Union's fall meeting and discussed evidence that coastal fog is increasing. In some parts of California, it also contains a large amount of mercury called monomethylmercury.

While the element can be hazardous to human health, there isn't enough of it in the fog to be detrimental.

But it isn't all good news: As the mercury-laden fog moves inland it eventually settles on crops, entering the food chain. Experts say there isn't enough fog entering crops to pose a public health risk yet.

Still, high levels of mercury have been measured in local plants and animals and some spiders seem to have mercury levels above the FDA's accepted limit.

While humans don't typically eat spiders, birds and other animals that humans eat do.

Researchers are continuing to monitor impacts on the food chain.

They hope to one day use drones to analyze the fog as it moves ashore.

Sources: Popular Science | Flickr

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