Expired News - Meteor brings sonic booms over southern U.S. - The Weather Network
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Meteor brings sonic booms over southern U.S.

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    Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 11:29 AM -

    NASA officials confirmed that it was a meteor that brought sonic booms and bright flashes of lights across the southern U.S. on Monday night. 

    According to officials at the Marshall Space Flight Center, "It was a meteor, a fireball, and a very bright one." 

    The meteor appeared at 8:18 pm local time, and travelled at a speed of 122,300 km/h. 

    NASA says, just three seconds after hitting the atmosphere it disintegrated, producing a flash of light. And because it penetrated so deep into Earth's atmosphere, eyewitnesses heard sonic booms.

    The size of the object was somewhere between a baseball or bowling ball, but further detailed analysis is required.

    With files from The Associated Press

    (Video submitted by Bill Cooke, Marshall Space Flight Center Meteoroid Environments Office)

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