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MUST SEE: Timelapse video captures desert sky and dinosaurs in unique California town

BORREGO STARDANCE from Sunchaser Pictures on Vimeo.

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    Dalia Ibrahim
    Digital Reporter

    Sunday, August 4, 2013, 2:33 PM -

    California has long been revered for its majestic Hollywood Hills, powder soft sand beaches and high-end fashion districts, but a newly released video could have an unlikely desert town becoming the new tourist hot spot. 

    About three hours south of Los Angeles, lies a hidden gem known as Borrego Springs -- a small desert town, in San Diego County, surrounded by the 240,000-hectare Anzo-Borrego State Park (California's largest State Parks).

    In 2009, the town became the second in the world to be certified as a dark sky community by the The international Dark-Sky Association

    Aside from its beautiful landscape, Borrego Springs also offers over 100 metal sculptures including dragons, dinosaurs, and giant insects. The so-called 'Sky Art' brings a completely different life to the desert, and it's no wonder filmmaker and 'sunchaser' Gavin Heffernan was attracted to the site. 

    On Vimeo, Heffernan wrote, "This crazy combination of amazing steel sculptures and protected sky led to some pretty cool results, as the giant creatures awoke for a midnight 'Stardance'”. 

    The remarkable timelapse video was shot on a Canon 6D.

    “Despite the grueling 112 degree temperatures, my team and I had an amazing shoot, with some of the clearest milky way footage we’ve ever captured, as well as some exciting creature-filled star trails, and more experiments with “Starscaping” (switching from stars to trails mid-shot),” said Heffernan in an interview with National Geographic

    The team also made a 'behind the scenes' video of the shoot which can be seen here.

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