Expired News - Tobogganers rejoice: Hills reopen in Ontario city after ban - The Weather Network
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Hamilton, Ontario is once again permitting tobogganing on four hills across the city after a highly publicized and criticized ban on the winter sport sparked years of protest.

Tobogganers rejoice: Hills reopen in Ontario city after ban

Leeanna McLean
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, December 21, 2016, 5:21 PM - Hamilton, Ontario is once again permitting tobogganing on four hills across the city after a highly publicized and criticized ban on the winter sport sparked years of protest.

In 2013, a local lawyer injured his spine after sliding down a hill at the Garth Street/Stone Church Road reservoir, which resulted in a $900,000 lawsuit against the city. Shortly after a bylaw was implemented, which prohibited tobogganing in Hamilton. 

Residents held several protests over the years and signed a petition. 

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While the bylaw granted tobogganing on sanctioned hills, the city had never approved any. However, in December 2015 a pilot project was passed by councillors at a cost of about $47,200, which allowed for particular hills to be used for tobogganing and in June 2016, the city approved continuation of the program.

Hamilton has permitted four hills for winter sport enthusiasts to use this winter season. They are officially open Friday, Dec. 23.

"Tis the season when families turn their thoughts to tobogganing," Mayor Fred Eisenberger said in a press release. "I encourage you to have fun and play safe on our designated hills this year."

Permitted hills this year include: Chedoke Golf Course, King's Forest Golf Course, Garth and Stonechurch Reservoir, and Waterdown Memorial Park.

Officials encourage participants to wear a helmet and follow their posted safety tips. Tobogganing is only allowed during daylight hours at designated hills and violating the bylaw could come with a $5,000 fine.

To prevent sledding injuries this season the Canada Safety Council has a list of safe tips to follow:

Before leaving home:

  • Inspect all the equipment: check for cracks, sharp edges and broken parts.
  • Choose a toboggan or sled that is sturdy and easy to control. Avoid saucers, carpets, inner tubes and makeshift options that can spin out of control.
  • Bring along helmets (ski or hockey helmets are recommended), especially for children.
  • Dress warmly and wear neck warmers (tube scarves) rather than dangling scarves that could potentially get caught and cause injury or strangulation.
  • Wear thick gloves and protective boots to protect against frostbite.
  • Wear sunscreen and bring along some water to drink.

When choosing a site:

  • Avoid icy hills that may lead to loss of control.
  • Choose spacious, gently sloping hills with plenty of room to level off and come to a safe stop.
  • Select a hill that does not cross traffic and is free of hazards such as holes and jumps, trees or stumps, fences, rocks, signs, telephone poles and parked cars.
  • Slide during daylight or on well-lit hills.
  • Do not slide on or around frozen lakes or ponds as the ice might be unstable.

When getting ready to go:

  • The proper position for sliding is to kneel or sit forward with your feet pointing downhill. (Sledding head first increases the risk of head injury)
  • Do not overload a toboggan or sled; follow the recommendations.
  • Wait until the path is clear before proceeding.
  • Children five years and under should be accompanied by an adult.

When sliding:

  • Maintain a safe speed and stay in control, ready to stop if need be.
  • When disembarking, don’t forget to stay out of the way of others and move quickly to the side of the hill.
  • If you have to get off quickly, roll to the side and do not use your hands or feet to try and stop the sled.

Source: Canada Safety Council |

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