Expired News - Paleontologist looking for buyer after dinosaur skeleton is too big for local museum - The Weather Network
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Paleontologist looking for buyer after dinosaur skeleton is too big for local museum.

Paleontologist looking for buyer after dinosaur skeleton is too big for local museum

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    Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 11:19 AM -

    A paleontologist in North Dakota is trying to find a home for a dinosaur skeleton that's too big to fit in the local museum.

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    "Bob" is a reconstructed Triceratops fossil.

    Paleontologist Alan Komrosky says he's spent roughly 20,000 hours getting Bob out of the ground and ready for a museum in Valley City.

    There's only one problem, Bob doesn't fit.

    Komrosky says the dinosaur's skull is too big to get through the museum doors. Now he's shopping around to find him a new home. He says he'd like to use a buyer in the state.

    Bob's price tag is $1.4 million.

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