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Photographer captures perfectly timed silhouette

An Air Condor plane is seen passing the moon (Sebastien Lebrigand)

An Air Condor plane is seen passing the moon (Sebastien Lebrigand)

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    Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 12:22 PM -

    Amazing pictures taken by French photographer Sebastien Lebrigand, capture planes in a striking silhouette against the sun and moon.

    Because of the speed at which airplanes travel, Lebrigand says the shots were difficult to capture. 

    "The plane passes in a quarter of a second," Lebrigand told Weather.com. "Days of waiting are needed. The phenomenon is rare." 

    Using a special lens designed for astrophotography, Lebrigand was able to snap a series of pictures of planes passing the moon in July. 

    He captured the images near his home in Crepy-en-Valois, near Paris in France.

    A month later, he then captured a few more shots of a plane crossing in front of the sun. 

    The sun's strong rays proved to be a challenge, but he eventually took the pictures at around 7 pm.

    You can see more of Lebrigand's collection on his Flickr page.

    A Boeing 777 aircraft is seen passing the sun (Sebastien Lebrigand)

    A Boeing 777 aircraft is seen passing the sun (Sebastien Lebrigand)

    With files from Weather.com

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