Expired News - Polar bears in Nunavut prompt 'indoor' Halloween - The Weather Network
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An increase in polar bear sightings in Arviat, Nunavut has prompted changes to Halloween activities this year.

Polar bears in Nunavut prompt 'indoor' Halloween

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    Andrea Bagley
    Digital Reporter

    Monday, October 20, 2014, 11:51 AM - An increase in polar bear sightings in Arviat, Nunavut has prompted changes to Halloween activities this year.

    The hamlet recently met with the public to discuss alternatives to trick-or-treating, according to the CBC.

    "It was decided to hold Halloween celebrations at the community hall."

    CUTE COUNTDOWN: Baby polar bear's first steps

    While an indoor Halloween may take away from some of the fun traditions, officials say most residents support the idea.

    "We're just trying to safeguard the younger population by offering an alternative," Steve England, the Hamlet's SAO told the CBC.

    According to England, if this year's indoor activities for Halloween are a success it may become a yearly tradition.

    The polar bears have been coming into the community more in recent years, especially in the fall during freeze-up, the CBC adds.

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