Expired News - Possible meteorite caught on camera in Russia - The Weather Network
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Like a blast from the past, dashcams capture a bright fireball as it explodes in northern Russia.

Possible meteorite caught on camera in Russia

Dalia Ibrahim
Digital Reporter

Saturday, April 19, 2014, 8:47 PM -

A suspected meteor tore through the skies over the northern Russian city of Murmansk, late Saturday night.

Russia Today reports several observers identified the bright fireball as a meteorite, or space debris, re-entering the atmosphere. 

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Officials have yet to confirm what the object was, or where fragments are likely to have landed. 

Multiple drivers with dashcams caught the blaze of light on film, which tore through the sky Saturday morning at 2:10 am local time. 

SEE ALSO: Scientists find 570-kilo chunk of Chelyabinsk meteor on bottom of Russian lake

While this astral event caused no damage or injury, a massive meteorite that streaked the skies above Chelyabinsk, Russia last February, injured hundreds and incurred upwards of $30-million in damages.

Watch video from that historic event below:

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