Expired News - Record-breaking winter brings new highs to Atlantic Canada - The Weather Network
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We might be two days away from spring, but winter storms continue to bring historic amounts of snowfall to Atlantic Canada

Record-breaking winter brings new highs to Atlantic Canada

Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 5:23 PM - The winter of 2015 will be remembered for the parade of storms to track through Atlantic Canada, leaving behind some staggering tallies on snowfall totals.

According to unofficial totals as of March 18, this winter has now brought snowfall amounts that crack the Top 5 in Moncton, N.B., Saint John, N.B., and Charlottetown, P.E.I.

Moncton, N.B.

As of Tuesday, March 17, Moncton was only 2 cm away from reaching the Top 5 with a snowfall total of 450 cm.

1974-1975 531 cm
1970-1971 511 cm
1971-1972 485 cm
1962-1963 483 cm
1991-1992 452 cm

As of 9:35 a.m. AT Wednesday morning, Moncton unofficially reported about 4 cm which would put them in the no. 5 spot, knocking off the 1991-1922 winter.

Saint John, New Brunswick

The city already "won" this year but additional snow will enhance the lead. Below are the snowfall totals as of March 17. Any additional snow recorded on Wednesday will just secure the spot for this historic year.

2014-2015 446 cm
1962-1963 424 cm
1955-1956 392 cm
1954-1955 384 cm
1970-1971 375 cm

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

As of yesterday, Charlottetown was only 5 cm away of the no. 2 spot. Forecasts are expecting more than that amount to fall in the city by the time the system moves out. Check out the Top 5 below, as of March 17.

1971-1972 539 cm
1966-1967 478 cm
2014-2015 473 cm
1970-1971 450 cm
2013-2014 444 cm

And if that wasn't impressive enough, the numbers could still continue to go up even after the system moves out. Another storm is expected to hit Atlantic Canada this upcoming weekend. While the track is still not certain, we're certainly going to keep an eye on these cities and see if they can inch their way to the top.

MUST-SEE: What you NEVER want to happen to your car in winter

To put the snowfall totals in another perspective, just check out the above tweet sent out by The Weather Network's Suzanne Leonard. Don't believe it? Then the video below should help you as well.

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