Expired News - Severe weather hits the UK: Plane takes off with tornado behind - The Weather Network
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Severe weather hits the UK: Plane takes off with tornado behind

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    Jamil Hussein
    Digital News Editor

    Friday, August 15, 2014, 1:52 PM - Flooding, hail and funnel clouds.

    Severe weather has been sweeping across the UK this week as the remnants from Hurricane Bertha push through.

    Twitter has erupted with scenes from the storms, including this shocking image of a Boeing 737 taking off from an airport with a funnel cloud rotating closely behind.

    According to experts the picture is deceiving, making the tornado look closer than it actually was.

    Still, likely a frightening sight for any of the passengers that were on board.

    In addition to the tornado reports, heavy rain flooded several major areas including parts of London. 

    The London Fire Brigade attended 30 flood related incidents Thursday afternoon because of the heavy downpours. 

    In a tweet yesterday, it said it was “attending a number of flooding incidents in East Greenwich and Sydenham due to the biblical downpours in south London."

    As this video shows, hail was also seen in Streatham.

    As we've said before, hailstorms in the summer aren't that weird.

    Meanwhile, other funnel clouds were spotted across the UK, including Loughborough, Darlington and Dorset. Twitter was very active yesterday with pictures of different funnel clouds being shared.

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