Expired News - Shaggy sheep sets a new world record after getting haircut - The Weather Network
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A gigantic merino sheep dubbed Chris, could barely walk when it was found in a wooded region outside Canberra, Australia.

Shaggy sheep sets a new world record after getting haircut

Leeanna McLean
Digital Reporter

Thursday, September 3, 2015, 12:06 PM - A gigantic merino sheep dubbed Chris, could barely walk when it was found in a wooded region outside Canberra, Australia.

The woolly wanderer was in dire need of a haircut as it was four to five times the size of a regular sheep, according to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Officials called in champion sheep shearer Ian Elkins to save the animal.

The six-time Australian shearer of the year has 110 competition wins, according to his website.

The coat of a Merino is known to grow continuously if left unsheared, causing health complications.

It took 45 minutes to remove the 18-inch fleece Wednesday evening, which weighed about 88 pounds. The sheep had to be sedated throughout the haircut.

This shearing knocked the previous 2004 record of 60 pounds out of the park. Shrek the New Zealand sheep, was found after six years on the loose. Shaun was another Australian sheep that fell short of Shrek's record, losing 52 pounds of wool in August 2014.

Source: CBC | Ian Elkins

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