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Simple ways to add joy to your life

Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 8:19 PM -

Who couldn't use a little more happiness?

Experts say there are science-based -- and simple -- ways to make yourself happier.

INC Magazine put them together, and the first one is weather-related: Get some fresh air.

Being outside is like medicine for us. One study found that just 20 minutes outdoors can even boost your memory.

Keep your eye on the thermometer too, because happiness is maximized at 13C.

Another one: Spend time with family and friends. Research shows it even makes introverts happier.

Speaking of other people, volunteer: it's no surprise that making others happy will in turn make you happy. The magic number is 100 hours a year of volunteer work.

LOOKING TO BRIGHTEN YOUR DAY? Watch this baby polar bear take its first steps!

Move closer to work -- even if you give up a bigger house, statistics show that a shorter commute will make you happier.

And speaking of moving, plan a vacation even if you don't take it.

Make a list of things you are grateful for. It helps to remind yourself about the good stuff in your life.

Sleep more. You'll be less sensitive to swinging emotions. Last but not least, meditate.

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