Expired News - Small earthquake strikes off the west coast of Vancouver Island - The Weather Network
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Small earthquake strikes off the west coast of Vancouver Island

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    Digital writers

    Sunday, December 15, 2013, 5:40 PM -

    It was a shaky start to the morning for those living on Vancouver Island on Sunday. 

    The U.S. Geological Service says a 4.7-magnitude earthquake struck the region at around 5:49 a.m. PST, in the ocean about 124 km northwest of Tofino. According to 

    The Canadian Press, there were no immediate reports of damage or injures. 

    The B.C. government says the province experiences an earthquake every day, but only a small number of them are noticeable and even fewer result in damage. 

    The province is considered a 'high-risk zone for earthquakes, due to its location on the "Ring of Fire", a 400 km horseshoe of seismic activity in the Pacific Ocean. 

    With files from The Canadian Press

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