Expired News - Snowfall warnings expanded to include the City of Calgary, more snow expected Tuesday evening - The Weather Network
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Snowfall warnings expanded to include the City of Calgary, more snow expected Tuesday evening

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 7:18 AM -

[Thumbnail Image Credit]

The first snowfall of the summer. Sounds bizarre, but the City of Calgary woke up to a blanket of the white stuff Tuesday morning, and another round of it is expected Tuesday evening.

The flakes began to fall Monday in western Alberta, reaching the city of Calgary in the late morning.

But the snowfall warnings that covered areas west and north of the city didn't include Calgary itself, until Tuesday morning, when Environment Canada upgraded its special weather statement to a full-fledged warning.

"Another round of snow is expected to develop over southwestern Alberta tonight, as an upper disturbance moves in from British Columbia," the statement, issued at 4:29 MDT, reads. "Accumulations of 10 to 15 cm  of snow are expected with the system, although local amounts over 20 cm are possible over higher terrain."

STORM WATCH: Margeaux Morin will be live from the region beginning 7 a.m. MDT. Tune in and, if it's safe to do so, upload your pictures and videos here.

Weather Network meteorologist Tyler Hamilton says the new round of snow will begin developing in the evening and last into Wednesday morning.

Although some kind of precipitation will be falling most of the day, expect the heaviest amounts to fall from midnight into the morning hours.

And unlike Monday, where temperatures were still relatively high in the morning, preventing much accumulation on roads and other surfaces, Tuesday and Wednesday will begin with cooler temperatures, making accumulation more likely.

"As the Arctic high pressure system sags south, it funnels modified Arctic air into southern Alberta, as Calgary struggles to reach plus 3oC on Wednesday," Hamilton says.

All this after what was already a snowy day across the region. Here's how much had fallen by the mid evening.

TUNE IN: Watch the Weather Network on TV for updates on these storms. If it's safe to do so, upload your pictures and videos here.

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