Expired News - Some advice: Don't drive your $130K car on ice on a warm day - The Weather Network
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Some advice: Don't drive your $130K car on ice on a warm day

Courtesy: Barrie 411/Facebook

Courtesy: Barrie 411/Facebook

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 10:26 AM -

Ontario's winter season has been relatively mild, and that can leave some bodies of water with ice that's more fragile than usual.

To top things off, Sunday was particularly warm, with the daily high reaching 14.4C at Toronto Pearson Airport. 

In Keswick, Ont., the high climbed near 12C -- warm enough to cause even a thick layer of ice to weaken and melt.

The owner of an Audi S8, which starts at $134,200, learned that the hard way after taking the car out of a spin on an icy lake.

According to drivenwheels.com, the car made it about 5 metres from the shore when it broke through the ice and sank into the water.

Both the driver and passenger made it out of the car safely and the vehicle was recovered, but their good fortune might end there.

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According to Driven Wheels, taking a car onto the ice will likely void the vehicle's insurance policy, leaving the driver responsible for the hefty repair bill -- assuming the car is able to be repaired.

Barrie 411 posted the above photo to Facebook Monday. It quickly went viral, racking up more than 4,200 shares.

"I was fishing on lake Simcoe, off Keswick last weekend it was above zero, there was almost 6" of water sitting on top of the ice," Leo Martin said on Facebook.

"... I have no idea how someone could think to drive on that ... Especially after the warm week we had."

Visit this Spring Forecast Guide to the Season for the 2016 Spring Forecast, Summer Weather Preview and much more.

Sources: Facebook | Driven Wheels


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