Expired News - Springtime Google Doodle has an eclipse twist, depending on where you are - The Weather Network
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Springtime Google Doodle has an eclipse twist, depending on where you are

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Friday, March 20, 2015, 8:29 AM - Most Google Doogles are digital works of art, but it looks like people in Europe got the best of the search engine's artistic talent Friday.

If you're doing a search from North America, you'll get the doodle below, which commemorates today's spring equinox, the "official" start of the new season, when day and night are roughly equal in length.

Spring flowers in bloom are fitting (we love the little bumblebee taking front and centre), a beautiful design by Kristen Lepore:

But if you're logging on from Europe today, here's what you'd see something a little different.

For searchers in the UK, Germany and other countries, the middle flower has been replaced, a reference to the total solar eclipse that occurred over northern Europe Friday morning:

Totality -- the moment when 100 per cent of the sun's disk is obscured -- was only visible over the Faroe Islands, Svalbard and other islands in the North Atlantic, and then only when cloud cover permitted. But people in Scandinavia, the UK and parts of northern Europe could see as much as 80 per cent of the sun covered.

The event had solar power producers worried, but it turns out Europe's solar energy grid held up okay, and now everyone can get on with the business of spring.

WATCH BELOW: The solar eclipse seen from space:

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