Expired News - Snow to exit Atlantic Canada, plane makes hard landing in near-blizzard conditions in Halifax - The Weather Network
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In Atlantic Canada, snow moves out of one province as freezing rain affects another. Get the details here.

Snow to exit Atlantic Canada, plane makes hard landing in near-blizzard conditions in Halifax

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Sunday, March 29, 2015, 11:25 AM - Intense snow conditions once again targeted the East Coast this weekend.

At the tail end of the heaviest snow, an Air Canada plane made a hard landing at the Halifax Airport, amid winds gusting 40-100 km/h while light snow was still falling.

No one was killed, but 23 people were sent to hospital, although most had been released as of mid-morning.

The winds eased gradually in the late morning, and the snow had mostly ended in most parts of the Maritimes by the morning hours, with calm and sunny conditions ahead for the rest of the day.

But blowing snow warnings were still in effect for parts of Newfoundland, which has been not only feeling snow, but also experienced periods of freezing rain early Sunday morning.

The snow slowly extended northwestward into central Newfoundland through the morning, and is expected to end through the afternoon, depositing an additional 5-10 cm.

It'll be calm and sunny for the island as well as the Maritimes, but forecasters are already looking ahead.

"The next low brings rain and snow to the Maritimes Tuesday," Weather Network meteorologist Nadine Hinds-Powell said early Sunday.

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