Expired News - Stranded Antarctic vessel towed to safety - The Weather Network
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A damaged fishing vessel is being towed to safety after becoming trapped in the waters around the frozen continent.

Stranded Antarctic vessel towed to safety

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Saturday, February 14, 2015, 12:41 PM - Antarctica is one of the most inhospitable places on Earth, and getting stranded there is not an auspicious development.

Fortunately for the crew of the Antarctic Chieftain, an Australian fishing vessel trapped off the icy continent's waters, help was at hand, and they're now being towed to safety.

The Chieftain sent out a distress call Wednesday after damaging three of its four propeller blades in an effort to break through ice floes.

The United States sent a coast guard ship, CG Polar Star, to help, reaching the Australian vessel early Saturday morning.

"The blades were assessed as too badly damaged for the vessel to be able to use them for propulsion from the ice field," a release from New Zealand's Rescue Coordination Centre read early Saturday. "The crew on the Polar Star then rigged up tow lines and began to tow the Antarctic Chieftain to open water."

The centre adds the fishing ship's hull is intact, and there has been no oil spill. The crew of 26 are believed to have plenty of supplies and aren't in any danger.

(Sources: New Zealand Rescue Coordination Centre, L.A. Times.)

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