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Butterfly visits volcano moments before eruption

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Monday, August 24, 2015, 7:36 PM - Mexico's Colima volcano erupted twice on Thursday, sending ash 3 km into the air. Moments before the eruption occurred, the crater had a tiny visitor.

A butterfly appears to have flown by one of the webcams near the volcano prior to the eruption.

It's a little hard to make out, but it can be seen on the left-side of the split screen image above, not far from the crater.

We don't know for sure, but the butterfly was likely unharmed. After all, it was flying by the webcam, rather than the actual crater.

Here's a vine video of the event. If you blink you'll miss it:


Colima isn't the only volcano that's become a social media star this year.

Back in April, Chile's Calbuco volcano erupted for the first time in four decades. If you missed this video the first time around, you can check it out now.

The crater sent a dust plume 9 km in the air where it mixed with cloud and ash in a dazzling display.

Over the past few months the video has become a certified viral hit, racking up more than 6 million views -- and it received renewed attention this week when it was featured on the popular video-sharing site Wimp.com.

Sources: YouTube | Twitter

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