Expired News - Woman rescued after being trapped in B.C. ravine for days - The Weather Network
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Woman rescued after being trapped in B.C. ravine for days

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 5:06 PM - A woman has been rescued in Surrey, B.C., after spending several days trapped in a ravine.

Rescue teams responded to a call from Clint Whitla, a passerby who heard the woman's call for help.

"She said she fell, I guess rolled off the wrong way," Whitlia told CBC News. "It was a good 50-foot drop. She got bruised and banged up pretty good."

Rescuers had to cut through branches to reach the victim. Global News reports that she was dehydrated and sustained cuts and bruises, and is now in hospital. Her identity has yet to be confirmed by officials.

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The woman reportedly spent five days in the bottom of the ravine after the 15-metre fall.

"She was conscious at the time [and] BC Ambulance will be assessing to see the extent of her injuries," Gary McHarg, battalion chief of the Surrey fire department, told CBC News.

Whitlia told the publication that the woman was barely conscious, unable to get up or move.

"[A] day or two more, exposure would have gotten to her."

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