Expired News - Temperatures take a dangerous plunge in southern Saskatchewan - The Weather Network
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Forget a lion or lamb. March is coming in like a polar bear as temps take a dangerous plunge in this Canadian city. Find out where.

Temperatures take a dangerous plunge in southern Saskatchewan

Andrea Bagley
Digital Reporter

Friday, February 28, 2014, 7:08 PM -

Forget a lion or lamb. March is coming in like a polar bear in southern Saskatchewan.

"In my lifetime, I've never seen wind chill values like this," says Weather Network meteorologist Brett Soderholm.

In the city of Regina temperatures will plunge to -41°C Friday night, feeling like -58 with the windchill.

Yes, you are reading that right... -58!

"Arctic high pressure building into Saskatchewan will bring another surge of bitterly cold arctic air today into tonight across southern Saskatchewan," said Environment Canada in the statement Friday morning.

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Temperatures fell into the -20s and 30s early Friday morning, feeling closer to -40 with the wind chill.

"While winds will diminish during the day, there is little reprieve from the cold in store today as temperatures will at best hold steady before falling even further tonight," EC adds.

"At extreme wind chill values of minus 40 frostbite on exposed skin may occur in less than 10 minutes," EC warns. "At values below minus 50 frostbite may occur in less than 5 minutes."

Some locations may see slight moderation in wind chill values with calmer winds through the weekend, but this extreme cold is expected to last into early next week.

In addition to the dangerously cold temperatures, northerly winds of 50 to 70 km/h are expected in the southeast on Friday, giving rise to locally poor visibilities in blowing snow, EC says.

Some places may also see more localized blowing snow overnight as the system moves off to the east.

Blowing snow and widespread wind chill warnings cover other parts of the Prairies as well.

RECORD COLD: Find out the top five coldest days in southern Canada

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